Saturday, July 25, 2015

Updates on the Life of Lauren

A lot can happen in just 7 months. My life is proof of that.

(I figure I might as well just come here and word-vomit all of the stuff that is currently going on in my life, because a lot has happened since I last updated this thing.)

Since I have graduated college in December, I have been looking for the full time job that would fit me best and would fit the needs I would have for post-college life. I had been working at Massage Envy up in Rogers at the front desk for 7 months, and while I enjoyed it a lot, at the pay I was making, there was no way that I would be able to provide for myself as far as living on my own goes. I also knew it wasn't what I wanted to do long-term. I had applied to several music jobs in surrounding areas and in different states, and nothing really happened with those. However, in February, I got an email from Ecclesia College asking if I would be able to come in for an interview for the Prep program's older choir director. I had assisted my friend Caroline with the choir the previous semester, and I really enjoyed it and got to know the students pretty well. I went in for an interview the next day and got offered the job the day after that! I didn't even have to seek out that job opportunity; it was practically placed in my lap lovingly by my God and Father who knew I had desired a music job. I continued to work for Massage Envy for another 5 months, all the while trying to find a better paying job with better working hours during the week. In June, I had applied to Providence Academy for the elementary music teacher position that was posted on their website. I went in for several interviews and felt really good about them. However, I was told that I would only be working 2 days a week for a few hours those days, but of course I would be lesson planning like crazy in my spare time. The Sunday after the last interview with Providence, a man from my church came up to me and asked if I was looking for a job. I said yes I was, and he offered me the chance to apply for a front desk job: it was secretarial work with one-on-one interaction with each lab of his in the building and with our customers, with an 8-5 M-F work schedule. I was thrilled to hear about it, and I followed through and applied, even interviewed with them all of that week. (Once again, God placed the opportunity in my hands; I've started seeing a pattern here.) On that Friday, I heard from the lab that I was offered the position, and literally 15 minutes after that I was offered the job at Providence. These were two really great opportunities, how could I possibly choose?! I ended up choosing the job at the lab for several reasons (because I'm sure some of you are really confused as to why I wouldn't take the other music job): one, it was a consistent, every week day schedule, and they were willing to work with the fact that I needed to leave early on Thursday afternoons to teach choir at Ecclesia; secondly, it was salary pay and had insurance benefits whereas Providence didn't. If I had gone with the Providence job, I would have to make time to lesson plan for both them AND Ecclesia every week, as well as plan for AWANA music at church (of which I had also committed my time to on Sunday afternoons). That would have been a lot of music to plan for! I would have also had to work a few days a week at Massage Envy to make more money. It just seemed to make more sense to go with the lab job, and I'm so thankful I did! My coworkers are so encouraging and patient with me as I learn everything (including scientific terms that I don't have any clue about), and even help explain the processes of certain tests they run. I can firmly say that I love my job, and I don't regret my choices at all!

I have also been dating one of the most Godly men I know since mid-February (of which I will have to write out our story at some point in the future). I can say wholeheartedly that he always points me to Jesus for everything; he leads me well in our relationship. Andrew spoils me with flowers, makes me laugh, is incredibly patient with me when I'm moody, gives great hugs, and he treats me like a princess. He is also incredibly honest with me, and the way he handles conflict is a breath of fresh air. I got to witness his baptism at our church a few months ago, and I couldn't be more proud of his growing love for the Lord and his hunger for truth and growth in righteousness. I am incredibly blessed by him every day!

Lindsey had made a friend at cosmetology school named Jenn, and long story short, she came to live with us in March, and it has been an awesome thing for all of us! Now we are all super close and we're going to be apartment-mates in the next few weeks! Which brings me to the next update....

Yes, Lindsey, Jenn, and I are all moving out of my parents' house in the next few weeks and we'll be moving to a really nice apartment mid-August. It's in the middle of everything in NWA, and it'll be easy to get to wherever we want to go because we'll be living right off the interstate AND just minutes away from everything in town. We'll be finally living on our own! It's a big step for all of us, seeing as how all 3 of us have lived at home with our parents/someone else's parents our whole lives, but it will be good for all of us as we learn to live with each other outside of our parents' house and how to deal with personal finances, etc.

All within a little over a month and a half, I have started a new full-time job, I will be moving to an apartment for the first time, I will start another part-time music teaching job, and will be starting my volunteer music job for AWANA at church. SO much going on, but all very good things.

I am beyond thankful for all of these doors that the Lord has opened up not only for me, but also for friends and family around me. It's been amazing to see how God works to bring us to where He wants us to be! The next few months won't be easy as I transition into more new things, but God has been really working on me, and He will carry His work on to completion, as Philippians 1:6 says. He knows what the future holds, and for that reason, I have peace and joy in my heart.