Thursday, September 29, 2011

Welcome to My Blog!

Hey guys! I've finally started a blog. I've wanted to for a good while now, but I was afraid that college was going to be too much for me to keep up with it. Now that I've actually started college and figured out my classes, time management for each of them, and all that, I've finally started one. "What would you write about?" you may ask.

I guess it would be whatever comes to my mind at the time. It could be funny; it might be depressing. It could be like a journal entry; it may be something completely random. It will definitely include something that God's been working on in my life. It might include something that just totally made my day or made me laugh! It will most likely include lessons learned. Whatever I put on here, it'll reflect what's going on in my life in some way.

I guess that's why I started a blog; it's a cool way to write about my life: thoughts, dreams, events, etc.

Hopefully you are encouraged by what I write, or maybe provoke you to think about something that you've never thought about (or thought very little about). Whether it does or not, you will be introduced into my life while I try to figure it out one wobbly step at a time. :)

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