Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dedicated To My Mom.

In about 18 minutes from the time I started writing this post, it will be my mom's birthday. (I won't tell you how old she is! *wink*) For the almost twenty years I've been alive, there has NEVER been a time when I doubted her love for me. She has always, ALWAYS been there for me, supported me in everything I've ever done and so much more . . . If I could tell you all of the things that she's done for me, we'd have a very long blog post. ;) However, I will share a few things. 

First of all, she has rarely missed any special program, recital, or special event of mine. The few times she has was because she was with my sister in something special of hers that she needed to be at. Every choir concert, every dance or voice recital, I could always find her in the crowd smiling at me, watching me, cheering me on... She has always supported me in everything I've ever done. Almost every field trip for school or church trip, she would always volunteer to chaperone, just so I wouldn't feel homesick and so she could protect me. Every time I've been away from her, even now, she calls or texts me to ask how I'm doing, just to let me know that someone cares. 

That leads to another thing - I can tell her everything. What I'm feeling, what's going on in my life, thoughts, convictions... Anything. She's always ready to listen. She will stop whatever she's doing and listen to what I have to say. I can be completely honest with her. We are also so much alike in personality . . . Almost too much. Both of us are complete dorks, and I absolutely love it. Especially since we embarrass Lindsey a lot of the time. ;) 

My mom has also been my teacher. She's been my spiritual leader and guide since day 1. She never just took me to church every Sunday and Wednesday night when I was younger and left it at that. Even when I was a toddler, she would read books to me that even at that young of an age affected my walk with Christ; she would read little board books about how Jesus loves me. She would sing songs to me that taught me those truths. Later on in my teen years, she would teach me at home, even with the slight ridicule she got from so-called friends. It didn't matter that she knew she would always be a teacher; God has definitely given her that gift, and I am so grateful for it. Even though she was an early childhood education major in college and was a preschool, kindergarten, and 1st grade teacher for the longest time, she knew that you didn't have to have that degree in order to teach your kids. She was quite bold to make that huge step, and looking back at all she's gone through just to teach the two of us at home, I am inspired and respect her SO much. Even though she no longer helps me get through a tear-filled and frustrating algebra assignment or reads to me from the Bible in the morning, she is still my counselor and encourager for problems I have or just when I need someone to talk to. 

Basically, what it all comes down to is this: she is my best friend and has been for my whole life. We have a really special bond. We've been through some really great times together, and we've been through some really crappy times. No matter if those times have been good or bad, both kinds have strengthened our friendship and our respect for each other. I could go on and on . . .

The song called "Like My Mother Does" describes my mom and I so well:

People always say
I have a laugh
Like my mother does
Guess that makes sense
She taught me how to smile
When things get rough

I've got her spirit
She's always got my back
When I look at her
I think, I want to be just like that

When I love I give it all I've got
Like my mother does
When I'm scared, I bow my head and pray
Like my mother does

When I feel weak and unpretty
I know I'm beautiful and strong
Because I see myself like my mother does

I never met a stranger
I can talk to anyone
Like my mother does
I let my temper fly
And she can walk away
When she's had enough

She sees everybody
For who they really are
I'm so thankful for her guidance
She helped me get this far

She's a rock
She is grace
She's an angel
She's my heart and soul
She does it all

I am VERY blessed to have the mother that I do. She works hard all of the time, and rarely gets a true "thank you" for it. I know this isn't much, but . . . Mom, thank you. For EVERYTHING. I would have never gotten through everything that I have without your love and support. You've given me the model for how a wife and mother ought to look and be like, and I can only hope to be half as good of a wife and mom as you've been to Lindsey and I. 

Dad snuck in this one! Hehe

Yep, we're dorks. :)

I love you, mom. Happy birthday!

1 comment:

  1. I love you too! Thanks for the birthday wishes. You truly are a blessing. Stay focused on God and His word and Let that little light shine.
    I Love You!
