Monday, July 9, 2012

The Little Things + VBS.

There are some things that make me happy. Then, there are those things that make me REALLY happy. Like, so super giddy that I overflow with giggles and can't stop smiling. Some things cause me to be really quiet, to be able to reflect on those things. Some things make me sigh of deep peace and contentment. Most of these things are just little things. Nothing big . . . Yet, those little things are usually what makes me happiest. There's that saying that I always use whenever I come across something like that or try to tell someone about it: "It's the little things!"

Why is it the little things that usually make us the most happy?

Maybe for me, it's because if there were so many huge things, I wouldn't be able to handle it. Since I don't like huge changes (most of the time), they tend to be harder for me to handle. Or maybe it's because in an ordinary day where everything is normal and plain, one of those little things catches you by surprise just enough to make you happy. It's not an overwhelming surprise, but it brings just enough abnormality to make it delightful. 

Last night I went to the Sunday evening service at church, and they had dinner served afterwards for everyone. I went with my mom, and we ate some good food. I made small talk to some of the people around me, but not many people seemed to want to talk to me. After a while, a lady who I had only heard about came up to my mom and I and sat down across the table from us. I made a comment towards the conversation because I didn't have anyone else to talk to. The lady looked at me and asked if I was my mom's daughter. I confirmed it. She looked me in the eyes and said something that hasn't left me: "Wow, you have your mom's eyes. It's awesome, there's just something about both of your eyes that shine, and they're so beautiful!" I was kinda shocked. I thanked her, and she moved on to talk with my mom. Here was a woman who I had just met, and she gave me a huge compliment! It wasn't anything big, but it was just enough to throw me off guard and make me smile. I think it was big to me because I tend to see myself only as average, never anything special. I don't get complimented a whole lot for my looks, so I guess that's why it was a big "little thing."

There are so many little things that I love: being able to see progress in my foot's movement, riding in the car down unknown dirt roads, hugs from loved ones, hot showers every day, finding a song that I love to play on the guitar or piano and being able to accompany myself when I sing, a short thunderstorm, sunsets every evening, rainbows, puppy kisses, holding Matt's hand, tickle fights, sitting on the front porch talking, catching fireflies, going to visit my grandparents, getting pictures of my almost 21 month old cousin on my phone, spending time when family come to visit, people watching, baking cookies, Sonic runs, hot tea/coffee, getting dressed up on rare occasions, visiting old friends, spending time with people, and many more things. Some of these things occur more frequently than others; some of these rarely happen. No matter what, though, I love when I experience these things because they make me happy. Maybe the things we call "little" really aren't so little. 

[Here's a discussion question: what are some little things YOU love? I'd love to hear about them . . . Maybe some are the same as mine, maybe they're completely different. Leave a comment if you want.] ;)

Just some thoughts for the day . . . Anywho, VBS is this week, and I'm really excited about helping out with it! I'm going to be helping lead music time. We'll see how the weather holds up; either way, it'll all work out. I'm praying that kids will come and that this will have a lasting impact on them so that they would receive Christ as their Savior and learn to follow Him with their whole hearts! I pray that we would also give Him all of the glory with everything we say and do this week. The results are in His hands, and He is sovereign. He knows what will come from this week. :)


  1. What do I love? Walks on the beach, the sound of ocean waves, hearing the deep belly laughs of my children, talking into the wee hours of the morning with my husband, an unexpected e-mail from a friend, Ghirardelli dark chocolate with sea salt caramel squares, a cold Mountain Dew, air conditioning, the colors of the sunset, and KLRC radio...just to name a few. :)

  2. I love all of those! Sounds wonderful :)

  3. I decided to make a post response to this prompt. Thanks for the encouragement girl!! You are so sweet. I miss seeing your cute face with those eyes that really are special. :)

  4. Gabrielle, YOU are sweet! I loved reading your blog post. :)
