Sunday, March 18, 2012

Change (Not the nickels, dimes, or pennies type)


That word either brings people goosebumps full of excitement or leaves people kicking and screaming for things to stay the same. The category I would fall under, unfortunately, is the latter. I absolutely hate it when things change. Little changes I can handle, because that's just it: I can handle them. It's the big changes that I'm not fond of, because they're out of my control. Many of you know that I do not have the gift of adaptability. I admire people that can just roll with whatever comes their way. I'm getting better at that, but I still tend to freak out a little when it happens.

Recently, my core group of friends has changed. We are all different people, and have had different things happen to us even within this second semester of college. Because of these somewhat minor changes of circumstances, things are changing (obviously). Two friends are getting married this summer, relationships are blooming all around us, people are getting closer to each other, and people are distancing themselves from each other. The thing is that we're all growing up. We're maturing. We're developing other friendships and relationships, and that's a good thing. Most of what's going on in my core group of friends is a good thing. However, I haven't been handling it as well as I should be. What it comes down to is that I simply don't like change. It's something else to get used to, and you have to make adjustments. "Well, what if I don't wanna make adjustments?!" I yell in defiance.

But that's what we're supposed to do. Life happens. Change is inevitable. People change. Things pop up in your life. You grow up and mature. So, we obviously have to readjust.

Doing a lot of thinking has led me to the conclusion that change is a good thing. Our spiritual walk with Christ has to change constantly, because we can't stay in the same place for too long. We have far too much to learn, far too much to accomplish to further God's kingdom. We are constantly learning new truths, and because of that, we have to readjust our thinking, our habits, our lifestyle. We are not called to live comfortably, even. Change is what keeps me from living too comfortably, and I think it's the flesh in me wanting to keep living comfortably, and that is why I don't like change.

I talked (more like vented) to a couple of friends the other day about what was going on with my group of friends and how I didn't like that it seemed like we were slowing growing apart from each other. One of them told me that all I could do at this point was to love my friends, to pray for them, and that we can't change people. We can't change what they do or who they choose to be. All we can do is to actively love them, especially when it's hard. Then, ironically, he challenged me with a question I've challenged several of my other friends: Is God enough for me? When I have nothing left, would He be enough? IS He enough?

That's the lesson to learn here, I believe. When God puts me in certain situations, when things seem like they're out of control, when things aren't going my way, no matter the circumstances, may He be enough to satisfy me!

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