Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Today was an important day for my grandparents.

Today, they moved from the house they've lived in for over 30 years to a smaller house closer to where we live.

Today, I feel slightly heavy-hearted.


I practically grew up in that house. I went to that house all the time, spent a lot of weekends and holidays with our family there. My cousins, sister, and I crafted plans to spy on our parents and the grandparents when they would watch movies in the living room. Lindsey, Grandma, and I would have tea parties with these little plastic colorful plates and cups in the kitchen. My cousin Sarah and I would lay in bed talking until really late whenever we had sleepovers there. I remember recently sitting in the living room with both of my grandparents as my Papa would play us some of his favorite records.

These are only just a few precious memories I have of being in that house. And those are only my own. I can't even imagine how many other countless memories have been kept by being in that house.

Can you see why I would be a little sad?

I have to remember, though, that this is just a house. No matter how long it's been lived in by family, no matter how long it's been since it's been built, it's just a house. It was built with human hands, and it will not last forever.

I think also a deeper lesson to be taken from this move is that while this is not my own house and while I'm not the one moving, my own house is temporary. I'm not going to live there forever. Someday, I will no longer live here on this earth. Someday, I will live in a place that my Savior has prepared for me. Someday, I will go to live with HIM. My Savior and my God.

As I sat at the edge of the Alto I section of Cathedral choir practice today, I sat there listening to my fellow classmates sing "A Mighty Fortress is Our God." It gave me the chills and sounded like angels singing. I can't even imagine how angels REALLY sing; to think that it might possibly be better than what I witnessed today . . . This makes me so stinking excited for eternity.

Guys, even though we may get caught up in how life is for us today, this is only a small piece of the pie. School is not our whole life. Neither is our earthly possessions. These things won't last forever. They will pass away.

"Aber des Herrn Wort bleibet in Ewigkeit!" (German for "But the Lord's Word endures forever!" which is taken from the Brahm's Requiem that we will be performing in the spring with SONA.)

How awesome of a promise is that?

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