Monday, February 13, 2012

Let's Talk About Love...

Since it is exactly 30 minutes until Valentine's Day, I suppose I should write about the hot topic of this particular holiday.

We all crave love. There's no question about that. People talk about "falling in love," or "being in love." I guess this implies that a lot of people think love is a feeling.

I'm going to tell you right now, it's NOT.

"Well, what could it possibly be, then?!" you may ask.

My answer is simple: love is a choice. Love is an action. Love is putting others before yourself. Sometimes, love is even sacrificial. Take the cross for instance. Jesus, being fully human even though He was also fully God, was scared to death of suffering as much as He was going to, because He knew what was to come. He even said in the garden of Gethsemane (Matt. 26:39), "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." He was willing to go through all of that pain and suffering, so that we may be able to be right before God. God sacrificed His own Son so that we could also be co-heirs with Christ while satisfying the wrath and righteousness of God.

"How marvelous, how wonderful, is my Savior's love for me!"

Yes, while it had to satisfy God's wrath and righteousness, it was also the sufficient sacrifice. It was enough. It was the ultimate act of love.

How could we possibly think of warm, fuzzy feelings when our Savior was hanging on a tree, bloody and broken for your sins?

A lot of single people complain about how they hate this holiday because it just emphasizes the fact that they're single and don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend to make them feel special. I used to be like that, actually. Even nowadays, I'm tempted to think that way. But I'm convicted all the same when I think of the cross. I have a great Savior who died to make me clean, to wash me white as snow! How can I complain that I don't have "somebody to love"? I DO have Someone who loves me, deeply and unconditionally. He alone can satisfy my desires. He is the only Lover that will never leave me or fail me. He is always there with me, every step of the way.

To all of the single people out there: I can't promise that there is someone out there for everyone, but what I do know is that He has a plan and knows what's going to happen in each of your lives. He works all things out for the good of those who love and serve Him. If that includes blessing you with someone in the future, then awesome! If not, though, would you be willing to remain single to possibly serve Him and further His kingdom? I have to challenge myself with this daily. If you're not sure, I challenge you to pray that He would give you a heart for doing those things for His glory and for contentment in where He has placed you in your life. It's still a daily struggle for me, as well. Some days I am perfectly content with life, and some days my self-esteem goes down the drain and I'm like, "So, WHY am I still single?!" However, I've come to the realization that being a music major pretty much equals no time for a relationship. I've learned to accept that, because I came to college to become better at what I love (music); if God blesses me with a relationship, wonderful. If not, that's okay, because obviously it's not time for me to be in a relationship yet, and why would I want to mess with God's perfect plan? I'm still growing in my walk with Christ, and He is continuing to give me contentment in where I am in my life. Praise God for that!

I've also come to realize that Valentine's day isn't just about treating your significant other right or feeling warm and fuzzy. I've come to realize that it not only makes me think of what Christ did for me, but also the wonderful friends and family He's given to me.

So instead of pouting that you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, I also challenge you to think of others instead. Celebrate with your friends and/or family, thank God for them, and enjoy their company. Better yet, why don't we try to do something to make someone else's day?

Once again, I have been blessed beyond measure, yet most of the time, I forget way too easily. When I do remember though, I thank God for the people He's given to me.

And praise God that I have the perfect Lover already!

"How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure,
that He should give His only Son,
To make a wretch His treasure."

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