Saturday, March 16, 2013

Short and sweet

It's finally spring break, and I almost didn't know what to do with myself at the first few moments of sweet freedom. I was so used to doing homework in whatever free time I had that I felt like I had to do something. I had to tell myself that I was on break, I didn't need to do any homework just then. Isn't that sad though, how much school has taken over my life?

But it's so true; school HAS taken over my whole life. I constantly feel like I have no time for friends, or at least very little. I do manage to get some quality time with Matt during the weekends, but even then, part of that time is spent doing homework together. Not a bad thing at all, but that just shows you.

Last year, I don't remember ever being this swamped. I at least had moderately good grades and yet I still had a lot of time to spend with friends and family. I was able to spend good time in the Word, too. This year, especially this semester, this has not been the case. I constantly feel like I need to be doing homework all the time; it's become my biggest excuse. Which is a legitimate excuse, but it's become my excuse for so many things, even just taking care of myself (cleaning my room, doing laundry, getting enough sleep, etc.) This has even become my excuse for not reading my Bible . . . How did it come to this?

I think this is a new tactic that Satan has been using to distract me. School has never been an issue for me in spending time with the Lord. Not before this year. This semester started off really stress-filled; from the start, I have felt fear in going to school and doing homework: will I fail these classes? Will I lose my scholarships? Will I have to go an extra semester than what I had planned? These always seemed to be the looming questions in the back of my mind, popping up at the times when I'm especially stressed.

I have come to realize that once again, I was trying to do everything myself and pushing God away from helping me. When will I learn that that is never going to work?!

Hopefully during spring break, I can get back on track with schoolwork. I also hope to catch up with family, spending good time with them and enjoying a break from stress and work. Most importantly, I hope to get back on track with getting into the Word every day and daily commit my life to Him. Praise God that I can always come back to Him when I've strayed from the path, running to His open, waiting arms!

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