Friday, April 6, 2012

Reflections on the Cross.

I decided to read all four Gospel accounts of the trials and crucifixion of Jesus this morning. It's interesting comparing the different accounts of different men; they all have small differences between them, but they all say the same message. We discussed that a little in our New Testament class this semester.

I noticed that Matthew and Mark's Gospels are very straight-to-the-point and not very detailed. Luke and John's Gospels go a little bit more in detail, but in different areas. Luke gives more emphasis on Peter's denial of Jesus, because it's the only Gospel where it mentions that Jesus turned and looked at him. WOW. To have denied Jesus not only once, but THREE times and then to have the Son of God's eyes staring into yours... No wonder Peter wept bitterly after this humbling and awful event. Luke also goes into more detail about Jesus' trial before Pilate, and it's the only Gospel that tells us that Pilate sent Jesus to Herod also. Lastly, it's also the only Gospel that tells us what the criminals (who were crucified with him) said.

John's Gospel gives us more details about the conversation between Pilate and Jesus. It is also the only Gospel that tells us that Jesus said, "It is finished!" Every time I read that, it gives me chills just picturing this scene in my head. No longer did we need to make daily sacrifices here on earth to make us right before God. No longer did we have to be separated from God's presence. The curtain, which had separated us from God, was torn in two. Because of Christ, the great Sacrificial Lamb, who died in our place, I am free from the bondage of my sin. The battle over sin was won. I am FREE! Because of that, I have no guilt in life, no fear in death. Because of what Christ went through on the cross, and because He is ruling in my heart, I will get to be in God's presence someday and live with Him forever. What an amazing thing that will be!

What a humbling thing to think about... I think about everything I've ever done, and I can't help but be ashamed of quite a few things. Jesus, the holy and perfect Son of God, was spit on, flogged, mocked, bloody, weakened to the lowest possible state... to save me from my sin and to make me right before God? How can it be? "Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer."

But that's the beauty of the cross; NONE of us deserved to be able to stand in God's presence spotless. We are all sinners. We are born into sin. There is nothing we could do to earn God's favor. Yet, He provided a way so that we could stand before God CLEAN. I am still human, and I still sin. But because Christ is reigning over my heart and life, God sees Christ in me, and proclaims me as spotless. I am justified before God. I am FREE!

"But this I know with all my heart: His wounds have paid my ransom!"

Think of what all Christ went through. Think of the cross. Read all of the Gospels. This is my challenge for all of you.

I love you all. Have a very Good Friday!

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