Friday, April 20, 2012

The Sky Above Proclaims His Handiwork.

Most days when I drive home from JBU, I get to enjoy a beautiful sunset signifying the day's end. Sometimes the rays of sunshine peak out from behind darkened clouds, or the sky turns a magnificent bright pink and orange color. No matter what it looks like, sunsets are always ALWAYS beautiful to me and have a very special place in my heart. "Well, I know they're really pretty and all, but why?" you may ask. Let me remind you of a Bible story. Remember Noah (yeah, the guy who built the really big boat and got all the animals in there two-by-two)? God was bringing judgment upon his creation by way of an earth-wide flood, because of their sinfulness. He had mercy on Noah and his family, and they all got on that boat and were there for a really long time. When they were finally able to get off the ark, they made sacrifices to God, showing Him their thankfulness and love for Him by guiding them through this terrifying, yet incredible event. God then commanded them to "be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth." With that, He gave them a rainbow as a reminder for them that He would never again destroy the world again by the means of a flood. "But wait a minute, what does that have anything to do with sunsets?!" you may question. Well, sunsets are like God's rainbows to me. I enjoy them for beauty's sake alone; I take pleasure in watching the brilliant colors flood the sky. But more importantly, they symbolize so much. To me, when God gives us a sunset, it's like He's saying, "This is the end of today. Think about the wonderful things and events that occurred today. Even if today wasn't the best day ever, this is the end of today, so tomorrow is a new day; you get a fresh start! I love you, and I'm giving you this sunset as a reminder that I am with you always, and will never leave your side as you go through this seemingly crazy life." WOW! How awesome is that?! It's such an amazing gift and such a great reminder for me that God IS there with me, no matter where I am in life. Even though I have a lot of rough and tiring days, He gives me His promise of a sunset, to simply enjoy its beauty and to remind me that tomorrow is a new day, with new opportunities to further His kingdom. Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." Sunsets just scream God's creativity and presence. How could we not remember this when we see them?? THIS is why I'm thankful that I get to drive home every day.

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