Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ephesians, Nostalgia, and Other Things.

I started my own little study on the book of Ephesians today. We had covered half of the book in my Passion group during fall semester, and of course, my New Testament prof taught on it a bit. I picked up my Bible this morning and the little pink ribbon was marked at Ephesians. Now why it was originally put there to begin with, I have no idea. Anywho, I thought to myself, "Lauren, you should start a little study of your own. Especially because you desperately need it!" So, I picked up my Bible, grabbed my journal, and headed to my front porch, where I sat on one of two rocking chairs for the next 30 minutes or so.

For whatever reason the bookmark was there, I'm sure glad it was. Chapter 1 begins with how we are beyond blessed as believers in Christ. Then it expounds on what those blessings are. First of all, we were chosen by God before the beginning of the world. It was IN LOVE that He chose us. He did so, that we might become holy and blameless before Himself. We are regarded as adopted sons (and daughters) of God! Secondly, He has a purpose and will for us. That fact alone is comforting enough. Additionally, we have been redeemed through Christ's blood, and we have been forgiven of our sins. He lavished the riches of His grace upon us. (That's the word used in my version. Such a great word to use!) He made known to us the mystery of his will. Lastly, when we believe in the word spoken to us, we are given the Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance as children of God until we actually acquire possession of that inheritance.

So many blessings jam-packed into one little section of the entire Bible . . .

I'm glad that my Bible was bookmarked there in Ephesians. Because this passage was exactly what I needed to read. God has a really awesome way of doing things like that. :)

I drove by my house today. No, not the one I currently live in, but my old one. The one where I grew up in. The one full of memories of 2 little girls with no cares in the world. The one where we weren't able to set up a basketball goal because the driveway was too steep. The one where I learned to ride my bike. The one where I got a snow day, and my cousin called me to tell me that her weatherman had lied about them getting any snow. The one where Lindsey and I drew on the driveway with chalk to welcome our dad home for lunch. The one where all the women of the family would come and bake cookies with us two days before Christmas every single year. The one where we had the coolest fish tank, where we would watch the fish eat and have babies. The one where I had constant nightmares. The one where I caused Lindsey to have a few emergency room visits. The one where I recuperated from tonsil-removal surgery. The one where my mom broke her foot. The one where we had an egg hunt every Easter morning. The one where we would fish for plastic fish in our parents' giant whirlpool bathtub with our little PlaySkool fishing rods. The one where I got my first American Girl doll for Christmas. The one where my dad would make us pancakes every Sunday morning and milkshakes every Saturday night.

I drove by that house, and I sat there in front of it for a minute. The woman who currently lives there added a LOT of plants to it. Our house was barren compared to the jungle she had planted. There did happen to be one tree there that we had planted when we were there. It had been a tiny little tree, but now it almost completely covered the walkway to the front door. The large wooden fence is still there. I remember climbing up on the ledge, the middle one, so I could see the world outside of my backyard. It seemed huge and free to me. I'm sure the woman got rid of our cheap swing set in the backyard. I have to wonder what she did to the inside of the house. So many memories there . . .

I had the song "The House That Built Me" by Miranda Lambert stuck in my head as I sat there looking at the place where I grew up. All these memories from when I was little helped make me into the person I am today. They've molded me and changed me. I can remember the good times and bad times spent there. It really was the house that built me.

In other news, I should start work at McAlister's on Monday. I'm going to start my summer classes at NWACC the Tuesday after (because that Monday is Memorial Day). I'm really anxious to start both, but not in the bad way; I just want to start them already! Although, I need to take it nice and easy this week and not rush it, because it's really my last (and almost only) week of freedom I have the entire summer. Oh well, it'll be a good one, for sure.

I'm just going to treasure the spare time I have left this week. I will be spending time with several friends and catching up with some. It's going to be great!

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