Sunday, May 20, 2012

How Beautiful . . .

One of the reasons I gave up Facebook temporarily was to really put effort in my friendships and relationships with others, instead of getting to know them (in a moderately shallow way) over a social network. So far, I've still been keeping in contact with people over text and Skype, but I'm actually talking to people and making a point to see how they're doing and what's been going on in their lives. It's been really good for me so far.

The other day, I was with a few friends at the park, and one of them told me how she had had a dream where she had gotten mad at me for seeming to like what was on my phone more than her. We laughed about it, but then I discovered that she actually had felt like I paid more attention to my phone before I got off of Facebook and what people had to say on there than I cared about what she had to say. Ouch . . . Very convicting. If one of my best friends tells me that, how much more do I not seem to care or pay attention to what my other friends and family have to say? It's no way to treat anyone, let alone a close friend. That's definitely something for me to be working on, right now AND when I get back on Facebook.

I was reading in Ephesians again today, and I'm now just done with chapter 4. The first section of it talks about having unity within the body of Christ, and how we should be building one another up, speaking the truth in love and "growing up" together. I have to check myself and ask myself, "What have I been doing to "build up" the body of Christ? What does that even look like? Is it enough just to say kind things to someone? I don't think so. To me, I feel like in order to build up the body of Christ, it isn't enough just to "talk the talk." Yes, I need to speak truth in love to others, but yet, that's not the only thing that builds up the body of Christ. The word "build" in itself is a verb; it's an action. We need to be actively seeking out ways to help other people and encouraging them in their personal walk with Christ. Even if it's just a call or text every once in a while, asking how that particular person is doing and just listening, or maybe asking how you could pray for them. Sometimes (if they allow it or want you to), a hug is a really simple yet powerful act of love for someone. Never underestimate the power of a seemingly simple deed done with a loving servant's heart.

The other section in chapter 4 of Ephesians discusses our new life in Christ. Even though it's sort of a new topic, in verse 29, it says, "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." That phrase "building up" is used here again. This is the speaking truth in love that Paul was talking about in the first section (or at least part of it). If it is not used for building each other up and encouraging each other, why speak? This is also convicting for me, because I talk SO much. Even chatting on Skype with a friend of mine tonight, I saw how much I can talk and create conversation with such ease. I have the most random things pop into my head. Which can be a good and a bad thing. I can talk with almost anyone about anything (gotta love being an extrovert), but then again I have to check myself. Is what I'm saying edifying to the other person? What if it's neither edifying or tearing them down? I don't think it's necessarily wrong to have fun and witty conversations about nothing in particular with another person. But am I wasting someone's time by talking about nothing in particular when they could be doing something else that's more worth their time and effort than talking to me? Just some thoughts . . .

If you're reading this, and you talk with me on a regular basis, please check me. If we've been talking for two hours straight about nothing in particular, then it's probably time to either stop talking altogether, or talk about something meaningful. What's something you need prayer for? Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need prayer for something that's going on in your life. I would even love to listen to you if you just need a pair of ears to listen to some troubles (or the happier things God is doing)! I want to be able to help build up the body of Christ. This is a huge way I could be doing that!

It's funny, I just remembered that my friend, Alisha and I are going to be singing the song "How Beautiful" by Twila Paris for our friends' Robbie and Ariel's wedding in the beginning of August. The song talks about how beautiful Christ's body is and because of that, how beautiful the church (the body) of Christ is. The last verse says:

How beautiful, the feet that bring
The sound of good news and the love of the King
How beautiful, the hands that serve
The wine and the bread and the sons of the earth
How beautiful, how beautiful, how beautiful is the body of Christ!

It really is a beautiful thing when believers join together in unity and build each other up in the body of Christ!


  1. You have been blessed with such wisdom. I am so proud of you for taking your friend's feelings, looking at them, seeing the truth in them, and doing something about it. :)
    I can relate to the part about talking about nothing in particular. I seem to be a pro at it- again, gotta love being an extrovert. There is something to be said for having a little bit of nothing in conversations, but like salt in a meal, it has it's place--in small amounts.

    You should know Laruen, that just your smiling face is a great encouragement to me. And your hugs have brightened many of my dark days. Keep on looking to the Lord, He is doing great things in your life and I can see that you are becoming a more radiant princess of God.

  2. Oh, and your texts just asking how I am doing have meant a lot to me. Those have also shown me that you care. :)

  3. Thanks so much, Gabrielle! I'm glad I could be an encouragement to you. I love you so much!

    1. I love you too girl!! I miss hearing your voice, we should skype soon!
