Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Near-Death Experience

I don't know where to begin. Today has been a life-changing one, and a scary one.

I had just had my first day of working at McAlister's Deli yesterday and my hours this week were surprisingly few, probably because I was a newbie. Anywho, I didn't have work today, so I texted my friend, Matt, and asked him if we could hang out sometime this afternoon. He was all for it and we decided on going four wheeling. 

I got to his house a little after 2:15, and after he got changed, we drove to a pasture about five minutes down the road from his house. There was some sort of storage house where his family stored a lot of stuff, which included the four wheelers. He started them up, and we climbed on them and started on our drive. 

We drove around for a little bit, and then we crossed a bridge over a little creek about 3 inches deep. I followed close behind him for a few seconds. All of a sudden, the edge of the path was right in front of me. My mind froze and I forgot how to brake. Once I remembered, however, it was too late. The machine and I tumbled down 5+ feet down into the creek below. I closed my eyes and braced myself. As I was tumbling down, my thoughts raced. "I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

Suddenly, it was over in a matter of seconds. Sharp pain and throbbing shot up my leg. I opened my eyes and started moaning. My first thoughts were, "I'm alive, I'm conscious... Thank God!" The next thought was "Holy crap, my ankle, my ankle..." It was the worst pain I had ever felt. I couldn't get up. 

I could hear Matt running behind me. "Are you okay? Are you okay?" he yelled frantically. 

"No," I moaned.

"Emergency room?"

"Yes!" The pain was all I could think about. 

Matt gently lifted me up, and carried me to the grassy area on the other side of the creek. He told me to wait there while he went to go get the other four wheeler to take us back up to his car. After he walked away, I grabbed my ankle and opened my eyes again. There was a huge rip in the left knee of my jeans, and several places where blood and the creek water mixed together to make brown spots all over my pants. I slowly lifted up my left pant leg to get a good look at the damage. It was as big as a tennis ball! Not only that, but it was scraped really badly in two places, which made the pain that much worse. I also looked towards other places that hurt: my elbow was badly scraped, my hip was scraped and bruised, and my head had a bad bump. 

Matt reappeared, and started the process of lifting me back up and carrying me over to the four wheeler. He held on to me to make sure I didn't fall off of it while he was driving and injure myself even more. Every second seemed like hours. Finally, we reached his car, and he gently put me in the passenger seat. He got into the car and kept apologizing to me over and over, and would occasionally tell me to lift my head up again so I wouldn't pass out or I wouldn't die if we were to get hit by a car on the way to the emergency room. He assumed full responsibility and called both of our mothers, and told them exactly what happened, keeping calm the whole time, even though I knew that he was super freaked out on the inside. I am amazed at how he kept his cool and knew exactly what to do. I am very thankful for him and know that I'm not the only one who is!!! 

My mom called my phone again, and he answered. She told him to go to the Ozark Orthopedic Emergency place, that she had taken my grandmother when she broke her leg and that it was much quicker than the emergency room at Washington Regional. He got us there, and his mom met up with us there. She got me a wheelchair, and they rolled me inside. The lady at the front desk asked me questions, and I answered them the best I could, still moaning and holding my throbbing ankle. It was so quick, they got me inside immediately, and they didn't hesitate to start working. My parents arrived and came into my room with me. During the process of taking x-rays, the shot, putting iodine on my wounds, and wrapping my leg, my grandparents also came to visit. The pain meds started kicking in, and I felt so much better. People kept asking me if I was thinking okay because I was acting like I wasn't in pain. I definitely was, but pain meds are amazing . . . Plus, the thought and realization of me almost dying kept my spirits up. I didn't feel nauseous at all, which is a total blessing, and as I'm laying here on my couch at home typing this, I am feeling slightly uncomfortable, but the pain is definitely not like it was earlier. The verdict: I fractured my leg right above the ankle; it was a clean break with no jaggedness and it was a straight break, so it didn't need any surgery on it. The healing process will be 6-8 weeks.

Matt and his mom stayed most of the time, my mom had to convince her to leave. Matt stayed the entire time I was there, though. What a trooper! He made sure I was okay the whole way through. He has been such a great friend. 

Since coming home, I've had a lot of time to think (especially since I've been laying on this couch for almost 6 hours now). I could've died today. There have been stories of people being killed from accidents on four wheelers. I really could've had my life taken from me in a split second. Yet, God was there with me watching over me. He protected me from much worse! Sure I have a broken leg, but that's nothing compared to brain damage, or even death. This whole experience has strengthened my faith even more. It also gives me even more purpose to fulfill my calling, which is to go into ministry. God obviously didn't think I needed to go just yet, so for me, this is Him sort of reminding me that I have a purpose in life and that I need to go do it! 

However, I do have some fears - I was going to take a lifetime fitness class this first session to be able to get it transferred over to JBU (so I could possibly graduate in 3 years). I have no idea if I'll be able to do like upper body workouts or if I have to just drop the class entirely. I also don't know if/when I'll be able to work again. Maybe if I just worked the register . . .

I could complain and question God why He let this happen to me. Yet, I know it was partially my own stupidity that caused it to. Even then, I refuse to complain. God protected me from a lot more harm than I could've gotten today, and He will continue to watch over me and help me through this time. He has everything planned out, and everything happens for a reason. He will work all things out for the good, and what is according to His plan. 

Today was scary. Really scary. But it was also a blessing in disguise. 

I am alive and besides a broken leg and some scrapes and bruises, there is nothing else wrong with me. Thank you all for your texts and such; it really means a lot to me. 

All I can say is this: Praise God!!! 


  1. Oh sweet, dear Lauren, I'm so glad you are alright. I'm sorry that you will take so long to heal. You could always watch Doctor Who like I did. lol.

    God really was watching out for you, and not just for your sake, for your friends and family's sake too. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you. You are such a blessing in my life and I thank God that he kept you safe.

    I totally feel the same as you in your last line: Praise God!!! God is good!! Love you dear. :)

  2. Thanks Gabrielle! If this wasn't a miracle, then I don't know what is. I am still amazed. :)

  3. For sure. :)

    You must keep blogging!! Especially since you'll be stuck inside for a while. I want to keep on hearing from you dear. Don't stop, believin'!! Hold on to that feeeliiiinnnggg!!! (Idk why I posted random journey lyrics, oh wait...*gasp* because I'm random Pinkie Pie. lol)
    Love you dear.

  4. Lauren! I had no idea this was such a scary experience! God has plans for you, no question about that.:) Sometimes they occur in the strangest ways, though. I have an amazing book called Miracle for Jen, if you would like to read it. Let me know if I can help in any way... Lori

  5. I am so glad you are ok. Vehicle accidents are scary and painful. God definitely has our days numbered and His hand was covering you during this time. I love watching God work. It is interesting to see what he has done and will continue to do with this. God is so good and faithful to love us in such a wonderful way.

  6. Rest assured that God will use this experience in your life in some amazing ways, Lauren!! May your healing be quick may you draw even closer to the Lord during your time of recuperating!

  7. I am so glad you are alive, Lauren!
