Sunday, May 6, 2012

A story.

Not so long ago, in a charming, not-too-small-yet-not-too-large town, there lived a bright-eyed girl of eighteen. She always dreamed of a better and more exciting life outside of her home. She pined to start over with her life, to meet new people, and go on daring adventures. She thought the best way to cure that was the one place all young people go at her age: college. She applied to several different ones, and came to be accepted to the one closest to where she lived. A bit disappointed that she couldn't quite leave home, yet more excited was she to start on this new and exciting adventure. 

Finally, the day arrived when she would orient herself with other students like herself and the campus itself. After a few days, she was cast into this new world of classes, assignments, work loads, and people that she had never known before. "This is much different than I thought it would be!" she thought to herself. After a few weeks, she decided she hated it with a passion. Classes weren't as easy as she had thought and were quickly becoming very frustrating. She hadn't made any solid friends yet, and she felt like she was an outcast. She was an extrovert! Why wasn't she making any friends?! What was wrong with her? Why was she so scared?

Many were the nights when she would come home, tumbling onto her bed - the only solace she seemed to have - and grunted in frustration into her pillow. Why was this so hard? Why didn't she seemed to fit in anywhere? Her mother and father encouraged her and kept telling her to push through this difficult time; she would make friends in due time. Every time, she would smile and simply say, "Okay." But, the next day, she would realize that she still didn't have any good friends, and would fall into the same deep depression. Everything seemed hopeless. "How will I finish out the semester?" she would shout in her head.  

A month or so later, she sat down at a coffee table in the student center. Somehow, three other young people met at the same table, three acquaintances she had met in different places. After a trip to Walmart, the four (along with a random other host of others) were all inseparable. That day was the start of a deep friendship circle. God had answered this young girl's prayer for good friends; He had not forgotten her cries of loneliness. The young girl was thankful.

As the semester drug on, she came across an advertisement for a music contest. She glanced at it, but didn't think too much about it. "How could anyone possibly like what I have to give?" she thought to herself with a low self-confidence that she could never seem to get rid of. Her mother came across the ad herself, and brought it up to her daughter. "Why not?" she questioned. The girl began to produce several silly reasons why she wouldn't be able to try out for the contest. Her mother ignored her daughter's excuses and simply asked, "What have you got to lose? You should be sharing your gifts with others." The girl couldn't come up with an answer; she didn't have anything to lose at all. With that, she promised her mother that she would give it a chance. 

She tried out, and made it! The girl with the low self-esteem slowly but surely grew in her confidence, with this success the first stepping stone. She didn't win the contest, but she didn't care. The experience was enough for her. 

Suddenly, time flew by, and she had made it through her first year at college. She already had to swallow some hard pills, learn some hard lessons, and had to say some hard, tearful goodbyes. Some of those people she wouldn't see again for a long time; others, it would only be a few weeks. 

A full moon shone in its full glory over her small street as she stood on her driveway, gazing at it and reflecting on the past year. No longer was she a scared little freshman - she was a sophomore. She passed all of her classes. She had grown into a confident young woman, with good people around her to support her in everything she did. God had also provided generously for her: He had provided her with the best family and friends, the most wonderful professors and teachers to guide her through her learning, and dreams to pursue. She had a reason for going on and finishing strong. God had given her a purpose in life. He gave her a passion for people and music, and He was going to use her for furthering His kingdom. She closed her eyes, hugged herself, and slowly drew in the sweet, summery air. She had no idea how this big adventure would continue, but she would trust her Heavenly Father with her future and resolved in her mind that she would not be fearful of the things to come. 

This is a true story. This is a story of a girl whose past year was full of big ups and plummeting downs. This is a story of a girl who didn't grow in the way she did all by herself; she had help from the people around her. This is a story of a girl who you know - it's my story. I can only hope that the amazing friends that God has blessed me with realize the significant impact they've made on my life. I can only hope that my family knows that I appreciate them and love them so incredibly much. I can only hope that my professors and teachers one day realize the impact they've made on my learning, that they've taught me so much more than just head knowledge. 

For all of the above, I am truly thankful. 


  1. So glad you have had a great first year at college! Look forward to seeing where God leads you as you continue this journey!

  2. Oh dear, I'm so glad that God worked through all the hardships and brought about so much growth in you. You are an angel and a friend I hope to know always. Thank you so much for being there for me when I went through the hardest things I've ever experienced. I will be forever grateful for you and your precious smile. :)

  3. Hey there sweet girl! I am so glad you wandered into my life and heart. You are a treasure and I'm delighted I get to see you again in just a few months. Keep writing, singing, loving, and serving God. I love the music in your heart and the smile on your face. I'm on a journey of growth right there with you. It's not easy but it's worth it. You can do it, and we're here to cheer you on and hold you up. Love you! :)

  4. Thank you all! Love you all so much :)
