Friday, May 11, 2012

The One About Summer Plans & The Future.

It's been a week since finals ended at JBU. I've had time to process my thoughts and feelings. I've been keeping up with quite a few people since school has gotten out. Facebook has let me know how many people have wonderful summer plans . . . So many people are studying abroad in a foreign country, or are working at a summer camp as counselors, or are getting married. They all have exciting summers. Me? I've got classes at NWACC and a job at McAlister's Deli waiting for me. Which isn't bad at all; I'm very excited! Yet, it seems like a boring summer compared to the adventures that all of my other friends are going to have.

It doesn't have to be that way, though. I can make it exciting if I really try. I'm going to be meeting a plethora of new people because of the classes and the job. Not only that, but I have a chance to share the love of Jesus with all of them! How cool is that? I could help to change someone's life this summer. That in itself is an exciting thought.

It's interesting . . . Not being at school makes me realize that I don't have very many close friends outside of JBU. Sure there are one or two here and there that I would love to hang out with again, but really, JBU is my second home and home to a lot of my friends. Now that they've all left and gone home, I don't have many people to hang out with or anything. Which is fine, I guess. I'll have my job and Western Civ to keep me company. ;)

Even remembering a few months ago what I thought was going to happen this summer has changed. I thought I would for sure have a camp counselor job with CWE. I was really disappointed when I got the "rejection" email. They said they had put me on the alternates list, but I knew better . . . Who would ever want to pass up a camp counselor job? So I knew the answer was ultimately "no." I was very disappointed, but I couldn't wallow in self-pity. I needed a Plan B. Thank goodness I found one and that it worked out!

I think it may have even worked out for the better. It's made me realize that I could possibly graduate in 3 years instead of 4 - if I took classes this summer and next May, June, and July, there is a huge possibility I could graduate in 3 years. I love telling people my new plan and watching their eyebrows raise. It's so funny. I know that a lot of people think I'm crazy for wanting to graduate early; why would I want to leave such a wonderful place like JBU early? Don't I want to live it up during my college years and enjoy myself? Well, yes and no. Yes because it IS a wonderful place - I can't imagine going anywhere else. I love the people there, the campus is beautiful, the profs are amazing teachers. I love everything about it. 

The thing is, I want to graduate early for one huge reason: I have this itch. I have this yearning to go out and do something with my life. I have a passion for people and music, and I want to use those passions to change the world for the kingdom of God. I have a desire to go into ministry. "Then why did you even go to college?" Good question. I had wondered that myself. 

I was talking to a good friend of mine over a cup of coffee at JBU one afternoon. She had gone to college for a while, but hadn't finished her degree. She moved to Fayetteville, got a job, and has been working since. She told me about her desire to do missions, but she had been running into some dead ends because she didn't have a college degree. That surprised me a little . . . Yet, I felt better about my decision to go to college and major in music. 

I also have about a bazillion friends getting married this summer. (Okay, not a bazillion, but really close!) They aren't just older friends of mine - these are friends that are MY age. When did this start happening?! Why do I feel so old? Yet, I feel so young at the same time. Gaaah. Crazy . . .

These are a lot of the thoughts running through my head at the moment . . . Lots of exciting things up ahead. Can't wait to see what God's going to do with my future!


  1. What a good attitude about the summer! You are such a joy that I am blessed to have in my life. I'm right there with you about the friend thing--I really don't have anyone here that I am close to. You guys have been a large part of why I've enjoyed college so much.

    God is going to work out something great in you, I know it. I just want to be there to see you shine. :)

  2. Thanks Gabrielle! :) Love you!
